The 3 Things Every Show Host Should Do to Increase Revenue

We can all appreciate trade events as opportunities to connect with suppliers, network with industry peers, and be exposed to new products and trends. But as a show host, the trade show experience boils down to one thing and one thing only:  revenue.   

If the bottom line isn’t up to par, it doesn’t matter how much swag was disbursed or how many prizes were awarded or even how many attendees came to the show. Growing your business is the name of the game, and there are three key things every show host should be doing to get the most out of their events.

1.  Make Sure Your Sales Reps Target Items for Each Customer

Target marketing accomplishes three things:  1) It allows you to identify which items your customers are purchasing from your competitors; 2) It personalizes the show experience for customers, giving them an exclusive roadmap to navigate the floor as they seek out booths with the items that have been identified on their behalf; 3)  It acts as a built-in competitive measure for sales reps, allowing you to easily formulate a game around the number of targeted items sold and shipped. 

2.  Provide Exhibitors the Opportunity to Negotiate Rebates on the Fly 

Target marketing and show-negotiated rebates act as the one-two punch of trade show revenue growth. When a customer seeks out a booth with targeted items, it’s important to give exhibitors the ability to provide the discounting necessary to secure the business. Show-negotiated rebates will tip the scale on your new case sales.

3.  Follow up Your Physical Event with a Virtual Show   

After working hard to secure new business at your event, it’s vital to nurture it. Virtual shows provide that opportunity—a way for you to stay front-of-mind for your new accounts and offer specials that maintain their interest. 

Trade shows don’t have to be a passive experience. Take action by incorporating these three tactics, and enliven your sales team, offer the best experience for your customers, and earn long-term business.  

Data Connect’s business is generating more revenue for its clients. Show Expert Systems, our trade show software, is designed to generate more sales before, during, and after your event, while taking the work out of what would otherwise be cumbersome, error-prone processes.  Contact us at (303) 840-7477 or via the handy form below for more ideas on how to conduct your most profitable event ever.
