We have awesome clients at Data Connect. In our trade show division, we get to work with talented and savvy show hosts to implement ordering, registration, and other marketing services at their events. In order to take advantage of this vast pool of knowledge, we will be publishing a series of interviews with especially high-performing show hosts throughout the year. These individuals have agreed to share some of their tactical insights, tips, and tricks for running successful events.
Our first interview is with Gina Rackers, Director of Marketing at Graves Menu Maker Foods, Inc.
2012 has been an interesting year to be in the trade show software business. The industry is in transition, with show hosts, exhibitors, and attendees questioning the value of large events, and some even doubting the sustainability of physical events all together. In this article we will examine the relevance of face-to-face trade shows in an increasingly digital age, and how virtual technology is augmenting show organizers’ exhibition strategies. Our hope is to provide insights that inform your event planning going into the new year, and give you something to discuss with your associates at the (literal or online) water cooler.
You’ve likely read or are familiar with Steven Covey’s famed The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. We thought we would apply his approach to show organizers, to highlight the “true north” characteristics that define the leaders in the field.
To succeed in today’s saturated event arena, marketers and event planners have to think doubly hard about ways to differentiate their conferences from the competition. This means not only creating a unique experience at the event, but also pre and post-event.
We can all appreciate trade events as opportunities to connect with suppliers, network with industry peers, and be exposed to new products and trends. But as a show host, the trade show experience boils down to one thing and one thing only: revenue. If the bottom line isn’t up to par, it doesn’t matter how much swag was disbursed or how many prizes were awarded or even how many attendees came to the show. Growing your business is the name of the game, and there are three key things every show host should be doing to get the most out of their events.
Today we're sitting down with Lynda Tarufelli, our COO, to discuss her history with the company, her thoughts on where it stands today, and her ideas on where we’re headed.
Social media and events go together like peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. Still, it can be hard to keep up with, when there seem to be new tools and strategies cropping up every week. Fortunately, here's handy infographic to make your event marketing just a little bit easier.
The second interview in our "behind the scenes" series is with EVP Micheal Center. He will discuss his history with the company, his thoughts on where the company stands today, and his ideas on where we’re headed.